Author & Illustrator
Have you ever dreamed of putting aside your current career and embarking on a
new adventure in
pursuit of what
you truly love to do?
I did just that when I left the world of corporate real estate behind to devote my time to writing and illustrating my own works of fiction.
My education had prepared me well for my life in the corporate world, but it had also provided me with tools to take on this next chapter in my life. Born in Toronto, Canada, I attended the University of Waterloo, the Ontario College of Art - Design University, and the Schulich School of Business - York University, where I obtained a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) with a specialization in Real Estate and Infrastructure.
Since leaving my role as a senior executive in the corporate real estate world, I've taken the opportunity to concentrate on writing, illustrating and publishing my books. Wainscot on the Heloise is my first novel, and I've started the creation of two others: Beauty: a Fable and Figs.
I live in the quaint village of Unionville, Canada, with my wife, Tobey and my three Dalmatian, Tatters, Tiffin and Tuppence, and the shift away from the hustle and bustle of the corporate world to a more serene setting has been hugely beneficial to my writing and drawing.
Hi I'm Terry!
Characters from my imagination have found their way into my library.
Things I Really
Care About
There's so much world out there, and we now have easy access to the accumulated knowledge of everyone who's ever lived (thank you internet) that it's tempting to be curious about, to want to try, and to want to learn about everything in it.
And I am, with a few exceptions (how beauty pageant contestants want to save the planet, and who's dating who in the celebrity world come to mind), but there are a few things about which I'm particularly enthusiastic. These include my wife and family,. history, animals generally and dogs specifically, books, ranging from sci-fi and fantasy through historical novels to science non-fiction, art, architecture, science, with emphasis on evolutionary theory, movies about anything and everything, British comedy and mystery television, drawing, writing, cycling, what's happening in the news, skiing and snowboarding, walking, music from Vivaldi to Jethro Tull, crossword puzzles, cars, food, tea...
Ok, apparently I am interested in everything in the world. Except celebrities and beauty pageants.